Wednesday August 3rd, 2016
Workshop Level 3: Interactive Storytelling (engl.)

During this workshop the participants should gain experiences as authors and create their own interactive story. Therefor we will have a look at different examples from games – which decisions are made? What effects have those on the player / the reader? In addition every participant gets an insight in game design and game writing.
Like in the real game production, the participants should prepare a Pitch in small groups. Therefor topics are assigned by chance. The overall question is: What kind of story do you want to tell? What is exiting about it? What is the purpose? Every group shall transfer the basic idea in a short interactive story. The narrations are supplemented then by pictures. All stories will be published on the internet, provided that the participants agree with that.
The participants should learn that in the end storytelling and game design is much about courage to make decisions: What am I gonna to tell? And how? Small milestones and our support will help the participants to make progress from hour to hour. Finally, all stories will be played through together.
It is important that all participants are interested in storytelling and / or in narrations in games and want to create their own story. In the long run all should have the feeling to be able to write a story anytime and everywhere they want to.
If required this workshop will be held in English.
- 05.11.2016 13:00-18:00 Uhr
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