

At PLAY15, you can experience an exhibition of innovative, creative and experimental games. With a special focus on the topic of “emotion” and the nominees of the first Creative Gaming Awards, young designers of Hamburg and international media-artists invite you to see, talk and play with them.

In addition, you can catch a glimpse at the local games industry with our regular studio-tours!

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald

dr langeskov

Jack de Quidt, William Pugh & Dominik Johann, UK + Deutschland (2015) Tigers can be a problem. You’ve got options here. You could dive into the bushes and try and follow them as close to the mansion as possible, but bushes are one of tigers’ natural habitats. You might have more luck climbing onto the roof of the pavilion and luring the tiger into a guard patrol. You could always try and swipe a tranq gun from a guard, but… it’s hard to be stealthy while being chased by a tiger. .

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