

Creative Gaming in the theatre, at the movies, in the club. Poetry slammers, actors and actresses and filmmakers show what they've got. The final highlight of the festival will be set by the closing ceremony, where independent developers will be awarded with the Creative Gaming Award.

PLAY at Night


Since August 2014, the artists of 8 Pauli are rocking the Bar Nouar in Hamburg. And recently Hamburgs first Chiptuneparty moved to the Goldener Salon (Hafenklang). Chiptunes is not a musical genre, but stands for all music that is made with retro-gameconsoles. Typical “instruments” are Gameboys, Commodore 64s, Commodore Amigas or NES. Together with Creative Gaming and PLAY, 8 Pauli is responsible for three days (from the 16.09 until 18.09) of pumping retrobeats in Terrace Hill.



  • 16.09.2015 21:00 Uhr
  • 17.09.2015 21:00 Uhr
  • 18.09.2015 21:00 Uhr
