

At PLAY15, you can experience an exhibition of innovative, creative and experimental games. With a special focus on the topic of “emotion” and the nominees of the first Creative Gaming Awards, young designers of Hamburg and international media-artists invite you to see, talk and play with them.

In addition, you can catch a glimpse at the local games industry with our regular studio-tours!

Duel 42


Jonas Hansen, Germany (2015)

Duel 42 is about two men fighting a gentleman like duel on screen while the player’s hands engage in a wrestling match to press the right keys.

Jonas is a media artist and mem­ber of the artistic/scientific staff of the Acad­emy of Media Art Cologne (KHM) work­ing at Lab.D in the aera of exper­i­men­tal 3D, playable sys­tems and games. He is also cofounder of the dutch media art col­lec­tive Sticht­ing and the Cologne based Paidia Insti­tute.

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