Audience Award 2016

Unter allen Spielen der PLAY16 Ausstellungen konnten die Besucher*innen des Festivals ihr Lieblingsspiel auswählen. Der mit 500 Euro dotierte Preis ging in diesem Jahr an den Streitwagen Simulator von David Lieb, Ulrike Mayer und Daniel Kaufmann (HAW Hamburg). Überreicht wurde der Award von Carola Veit, Präsidentin der Hamburger Bürgerschaft.

Audience Award


Awardkoordinatorinnen Valentina Birke und Christina Kutscher verlasen die Laudatio:

„This year there were many fantastic games and projects that were exhibited at PLAY16 and submitted for the Creative Gaming Award. As for the audience award, we are happy that the visitors had the difficult choice of choosing the winner. The winner fits the festival topic perfectly and offers an immersive experience. The team of young developers were part of the exhibition the past days. They encouraged people to play, encouraged people to experience new technologies and new approaches. The winners of the audience award showed their passion for games and proved that they are not afraid to take on new ideas in a creative manner.“

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