Tuesday September 1st, 2015
Creative Gaming Award
Play15 – festival for creative gaming introduces the new Creative Gaming Awards in the categories Most Creative Game and Most Innovative Newcomer Game. It is possible to submit concepts, alpha-/beta-versions or games, which deal creatively with the medium computer game and allow the players creativity in and with the game.
Creative Gaming Award – Categories:
Most Creative Game Games are honored that give the player the possibility to interact creatively in and with the game. This award is endowed with 3.000 €.
Most Innovative Newcomer Game It is possible to submit prototypes, beta-versions, alpha-versions and finished projects. The focus is on the game idea and the innovation that is connected with the development of the game. This can be showcased by a special gameplay, transmediality, unknown possibilities of interaction within the game, essential graphic innovations, new interfaces, uncommon at-mospheres, visual breakthroughs or new topics that are being dealt with in the game. This price is endowed with 1.500 €, furthermore the developers will be supported by Kai Fiebig from Daedalic Entertainment for 1 year who will help them with the development of the game.
With over 150 Submissions from 20 different countries made the decision for the nominees for the Creative Gaming Award pretty hard. But finally we made it: 6 Nominees for the two Categories Most Creative Game and Most Innovative Newcomer Game.