Tuesday September 6th, 2016
Johanna Otte

Johanna Otte is a media pedagogue, studied pedagogy and psychology and started studying at the Freie Uni Berlin in 2006 – Japanese social sciences and focusing on school and learning in Japan, but also other courses on manga, anime and RPGs were among them.
Early 2014 Johanna started to guide all-day workshops with children at different schools in Berlin. They wanted to learn game design, her pedagogue-heart wanted to smuggle in media literacy. Due to the student’s constructive criticism she established a schedule and not only extended the student’s knowledge on the basics of game design and usage, but her’s as well. She is especially happy about every discussion, often suggested by students, about netiquette, cybermobbing or copyright and the critical consideration of favorite games. Sometimes she even shocks the kids when they fling remarks about anime and Japanese words and she answers them – in Japanese, of course.
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