Most Creative Game 2015
Most Creative Game 2015, Among The Sleep
Among the Sleep von Studio Krillbite hat den ersten Creative Gaming Award in der Kategorie Most Creative Game gewonnen. Stellvertretend für ihr gesamtes Team nahmen Kristina Halvorsen und Karoline Aske den Preis von Valentina Birke und Jakob Kopzcynski aus dem PLAY-Team entgegen.
Jurymitglied Mareike Ottrand verlas die Laudatio der Jury, in der die emotionale Erzählweise des Spiels auf hervorgehoben wurde.
„As a game developer you have to be creative in order to produce a game standing out from others, and surely every nominee has achieved that. As a player you experience games as a whole world and face creative challenges within the gameplay. We as the jury struggled to find the „most creative game“ and discussed about the nominated games for 4 hours. You probably guessed it, I wouldn’t be standing here if we hadn’t found one in the end.
The winning team came out with a game that not only puts the player in the perspective of a protagonist with a difficult subject. They also went further and managed to merge an uncomforting emotion with the game world by distorting the perception of the environment. For all these reasons, the winner in the category „Most Creative Game“ is Among the Sleep by Krillbite Studio.“