PD Dr. habil. Andreas Rauscher


PD Dr. habil. Andreas Rauscher (*1973), researcher for media science focussing on film, media aesthetic and games at the University Siegen. Visiting professor at the Universities Freiburg and Kiel. From 2008-2014, he was academic staff for film studies and media drama at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz. Graduated in film studies on Das Phänomen Star Trek. Virtuelle Räume und Metaphorische Weiten (Mainz 2003). Habilitation on film studies and media drama at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz with a study on ‘Spielerische Fiktionen – Genrekonzepte in Videospielen’ (Marburg 2012).

Freelance journalist (Testcard, epd Film, Splatting Image) and academic curator for Frankfurter Filmmuseum (exhibition Film & Games 2015).

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